Designed for a diplomatic expedition to Russia by the Native California Kashaya. They were gifts for the local Russians during the trip. |  Designed a fictitious currency. Utilizing mesh and transparency in Adobe illustrator to create layers of security and realism. I chose a woman, the first woman to run for president of the United States in 1872 Woodhull. I would love to see a woman president and have her image on our Nations currency. Mockup in Photoshop. |  Created in Illustrator mockup in Photoshop. This design was created for the Sonoma County Roller Derby league. SCRD is a woman's flat track roller derby league based in Santa Rosa, CA. These cards are to promote individual team members, the sport itself and encourage audience participation and excitement. The template layout can accommodate a three letter name or a long name like the mock up lays out. The number and position also changes to associate with each player. |