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Solar baby

Solar baby





Tigers Blood

Tigers Blood

Michelle Red Hawk

Michelle Red Hawk

Taming the Wolf

Taming the Wolf

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

It is important to know and express that Black Lives Matter. Technically this is a multi media art piece in a series of stencil paintings. I created the background with a batik watercolor. The figure is orange paint from a stencil I created and the facial detailing combines pen and color pencil.



I created the background with a batik watercolor. The figure is maroon spray paint from a stencil I created and the facial detailing combines pen and color pencil.

Spirit Animal

Spirit Animal

Salmon woman

Salmon woman

Trail of tears

Trail of tears



The dichotomy of life. All the beauty and all the sorrow, destruction and creation all happening at once. This pen drawing with watercolor expresses fear of the negativity and pollution in the world while at the same time bringing beauty and appreciation to every day. With the gas mask and blooming flowers this image creates intrigue.

My first love is illustration, and I believe that this attention to story shows in all of my art. My paintings are done in watercolor with ink line work and are expressive in nature. I love to paint something in which others can find their own story–one I never would have thought of myself. In painting people, I am telling the story of their relationships, of the moment I am capturing, and maybe of the special quality that defines who they are. 
I choose bright colors for my art and will sometimes add in multi-media, such as acrylic or colored pencil, in order to add intrigue.  Currently, I am at work mainly on portraits and I enjoy the opportunity to be able to capture something of the people whom I am privileged to paint. I am also doing children's book art and barn animal paintings with unexpected colors. I plan to work more on children’s book style illustration, which is my original inspiration, and am also available to create images for posters, blog banners, business art, non-profits and personal use. 

© 2015 Merisha Clark

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